Construction and Implementation of Infectious Disease and Syndromic Surveillance System
投稿时间:2024-12-04  修订日期:2025-01-14
中文关键词: 传染病监测  预警响应  预警处置  症候群
英文关键词: Infectious disease surveillance  Early warning response  Early warning management  Syndrome
阴炳乾 保定市疾病预防控制中心 071000
陈妍 保定市疾病预防控制中心 
赵博兰* 保定市疾病预防控制中心 071000
姚萌 保定市疾病预防控制中心 
肖桥 讯飞医疗科技股份有限公司 
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      目的 依托智慧医疗为背景,抓取保定市全民健康信息平台数据,构建传染病与症候群监测机制,实现新发及重点传染病的早期预警。方法 发挥医疗机构监测主渠道作用,结合国家疫情网等多源数据,智能解析基本信息、症状、诊断等要素信息,辅以外呼流调核实,进行预警信号触发及处置。结果 对传染病、症候群等信号进行智能评估,达到单病例、聚集性事件、六大症候群等事件的预警作用。结论 平台建设具备可辅助本地基层传染病诊断、疫情监测、流行病学调查及应急处置指挥多项功能,可提高传染病苗头时间预警的敏感性。为传染病防控提供策略依据。
      Objective Based on smart healthcare, this study aims to capture data from the comprehensive health information platform in Baoding City and establish an infectious disease and syndromic surveillance mechanism to achieve early warning for newly emerging and key infectious diseases. Methods The main channel of medical institutions is utilized to play a role in monitoring, combined with multi-source data such as the national epidemic network, intelligent parsing of basic information, symptoms, and diagnostic information is carried out, supplemented by outbound epidemiological investigation to verify, triggering and handling of early warning signals. Results Intelligent evaluation of infectious diseases and syndromic signals is carried out, achieving the early warning effects of individual cases, clustered events, and the six major syndromic events. Conclusion The platform construction has the functions of assisting local primary infectious disease diagnosis, epidemic monitoring, epidemiological investigation, and emergency response command, which can improve the sensitivity of the early warning of infectious disease trends. It provides strategic basis for infectious disease prevention and control.
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